Inclusive community art space teaching a variety of classes for all skill levels, with a retail gallery of handmade fine art.

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“Torched aims to bolster community and inclusivity while promoting craft as a career. People who are motivated will have the opportunity to learn a trade they can use to support themselves. Building community is a huge part of this.”

— M. Tibjash, Torched Founder

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    Jewelry, metalsmithing and art education for all ages! Torched offers group courses and private lessons. For our full schedule of classes please go to our Get Started page in the menu.

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    Studio Rental

    Are you looking for a welcoming community in which to work? Then Torched is the perfect place for you! We have multiple membership levels, so pick the one best suited for you.

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    Shop the Gallery

    Visit us in person Wednesday - Sunday from 12:00 - 6:00pm
    Shop our wide selection of locally handcrafted jewelry and home goods by clicking the button below.

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    Jewelry Services

    Torched also offers a number of services: custom jewelry design, casting, repurposing old jewelry and more! Reach out for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Interested in getting started? Reach out!